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D’Capella Marketing Deck Project

While this might seem a bit counterintuitive to have on my portfolio, this was an undergraduate project I completed in a class at CSULB in 2018. However, I wanted to keep this here to showcase my marketing background and highlight one of my favorite projects I have done — even if it doesn’t involve motion graphics.

With this project, our professor informed us of a unique opportunity in which we would be split into groups and compete against eachother. We were to create a marketing deck/plan that would then be presented to actual creative business executives. Our class was split up into groups consisting of 5 to 6 students and the competition involved 2 of the professors’ classes consisting of 30-40 students each. The project revolved around Disney’s new (at the time) acapella group called D’Capella, and we were all given the task of coming up with creative ways to market this new group. We were also given this project with a 2-week deadline to imitate the real world.

In the picture below you can see my group standing behind the Disney Music Group sign right before we presented our ideas. In addition to helping come up with ideas, I acted as the group’s main and only designer, who had the task of designing our full deck and presentation (shown above).

What made this project truly stand out was that our group had won the competition against all the other students. As a student who switched majors around so many times, this moment proved that I was on the correct path. In addition, our reward for winning the competition got us some free tickets to the Hollywood Bowl, where we got to not only see D’Capella debut but also meet the members.


Personal Projects