School of Motion Projects

Back in 2020 when I truly dove and committed to motion design, I enrolled myself in some School of Motion Bootcamps/courses to get myself up to speed in the field. Specifically, I took the Animation Bootcamp and the Advanced Motion Methods course. I owe a lot of my current skillset to these courses and I am extremely grateful to their team.

Here are some of my favorite projects I’ve done in these classes.

Be The Ice Sculptor

This project was my first time animating something of a longer duration. It really forced me out of my comfort zone and got me used to animating multiple elements at a time. Looking back it was a real struggle, but nowadays it seems significantly easier and I can do longer projects when needed.

Styleframes and assets were provided by the class, but all animation was done by myself.

Dreidel Logo

In this project, we were given the task of animating the logo seen at 00:05. I really enjoyed this project because I tried my best to imitate Nintendo’s GameCube Logo, which was a unique take compared to my other classmates. It was also cool to see myself using what I learned to animate something that I thought was visually appealing growing up.

Museum Milano

This project trained my creativity to think more abstractly when animating. We were given the final frame (what you see at 00:13) and were given the task to animate the elements in any abstract way to get to that final image.


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