Imperial Digital Marketing

Believe it or not, Imperial Digital Marketing was the first company to give me a chance in the Marketing field. They took a chance with me as a marketing undergrad student with no experience and hired me as an intern. As an intern, I picked up some basic web design techniques using WordPress and worked for them as a web designer after a few months. After keeping in contact throughout the years, I now do occasional freelance motion design work for them!

IDM Logo Animation

A few years ago with their previous branding, I created a logo animation for them. Their past branding leaned more on the “digital” aspect of Imperial Digital Marketing, so I tried my best to capture that through motion.

The logo design was provided by them and all animation was done by myself.

Life Sauce Logo Animation

Another client of IDM, I was given the task of animating the logo of a relationship coaching company called Life Sauce. For this, the word “Sauce” in their title stood out the most to me so I made my animation try to showcase that.

Logo was provided by IDM, animation was done by myself.

Wholesale Exotics Promo

Although they were a client of IDM, this project was technically one of the first times I worked with a client whom I had no previous connection with. Looking at it now, I can see a lot with which it could be improved but I am glad to have worked on it as it taught me how to execute a project from beginning to end.

All footage was provided by Imperial Digital Marketing. Designs and animation were done by myself.


School Of Motion Projects


Personal Projects